How to code runemate bot
How to code runemate bot

how to code runemate bot
  1. #How to code runemate bot how to#
  2. #How to code runemate bot password#

When you created your bot user on Discord, you copied a token. Print('We have logged in as def on_message(message): (You can name the file something else if you like, just not I'll explain what all this code does shortly.

how to code runemate bot

We will be adding more features to the bot later.Īdd this code to This simple bot code, along with the code explanation, is taken from the documentation. Let’s make a bot that replies to a specific message. For example, when a message happens, you will receive an event about it that you can respond to. An event is something you listen to and then respond to.

#How to code runemate bot how to#

Py -3 -m pip install -U How to Set Up Discord Events for Your Botĭ revolves around the concept of events. If you are using Windows, then you should use the following line instead: If you prefer to code the bot locally, you can use this command on MacOS to install

how to code runemate bot

will automatically install this dependency when you press the "run" button. To use the library, just write import discord at the top of Create a new Repl and choose "Python" as the language. is an online IDE that you can use in your web browser. However, in this tutorial, we'll be using because it will make it simpler for anyone to follow along. You can develop the bot on your local computer with any code editor. How to Create a Repl and Install is an API wrapper for Discord that makes it easier to create a Discord bot in Python. We'll be using the Python library to write the code for the bot. How to Code a Basic Discord Bot with the Library Now that you've created the bot user, we'll start writing the Python code for the bot. To add the bot, your account needs "Manage Server" permissions. Paste the URL into your browser, choose a server to invite the bot to, and click “Authorize”.

how to code runemate bot

That will copy a URL which can be used to add the bot to a server. Be careful with the "Administrator" permission.Īfter selecting the appropriate permissions, click the 'copy' button above the permissions. You may need more depending on what you want your bot to do. Our bot is going to mainly use text messages so we don't need a lot of the permissions. Now choose the permissions you want for the bot. Then select "bot" under the "scopes" section. To do this, you should create an invite URL for it. Now you have to get your Bot User into a server. You can regenerate the token if it accidentally gets shared. It could allow someone to log in to your bot and do all sorts of bad things.

#How to code runemate bot password#

This token is your bot's password so don't share it with anybody. Keep the default settings for Public Bot (checked) and Require OAuth2 Code Grant (unchecked). You will have to confirm by clicking "Yes, do it!" Go to the “Bot” tab and then click “Add Bot”. Give the application a name and click “Create”.ĥ. Make sure you’re logged on to the Discord website.ģ. Here are the step to creating a Discord Bot account.ġ. In order to work with the Python library and the Discord API, we must first create a Discord Bot account. The video is embedded below and the written version is after the video. There is also a video version of this written tutorial. We are going to use a number of tools, including the Discord API, Python libraries, and a cloud computing platform called. You do not need to install anything on your computer, and you do not need to pay anything to host your bot. This tutorial will show you how to build your own Discord bot completely in the cloud.

How to code runemate bot